كتبت سوسن سحاب
البند رقم 1 من المادة 83 من لوائح الاتحاد الافريقي “كاف” تنص على:
الاتحادات الرياضية مسؤولة عن ضمان عدم تعريض اللعبة للخطر في اي حال من الاحوال عن طريق سلوك الجماهير ( خصوصا باستخدام الاشياء الخطرة او الليزر؟
العقوبة: اعادة المباراة بدون جمهور
والموضوع ليس جديدا على الساحة الرياضية فقد حدث مع مصر من قبل وفقدت فرصتها في التأهل لكأس العالم بسبب طوبة قذفها احد المشجعين المصريين
وقد تعمدت السنغال (أمن وادارة ومشجعين) إرهاب اللاعبين وتعريضهم لأخطار تضمن هزيمتهم.
لابد للمصريين كجمهور ان يخاطبوا الفيفا بملايين الرسائل التى تدعو لإعادة النظر في الإرهاب الذي تعرض له اللاعبين بالأمس من قذف بزجاج فارغ و
أشعة الليزر في أعينهم
والرجاء نسخ هذه الرسالة وارسالها على البريد الالكترونى للاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم (الفيفا) مطالباً بالنظر في إعادة المباراة (بالتوازي مع اتحاد الكرة المصرى الذي عليه الا يتهاون في هذا الامر )
Send To: contact@fifa.org
Our Egyptian national soccer team played its final game with Senegal’s national team on the main stadium at the Senegalese capital city of Dakar yesterday 29-March-2022 for the final playoffs towards joining the competitions of the soccer World Cup 2022 championship. The game was played amid thousands of Sinigalese fans reflecting an extremely hostile attitude towards our national team. Glass and blastic bottles were thrown intentionally at the Egyptian players starting the minute they touched the playing field, throughout the 120 minutes of the games, during the penalty kicks and upon their exit from the field, resulting in close chances of permanent and threatening injuries to the Egyptian players (videos are publicly available for these incidents). Additionally, thousands of Senegalese fans intentionally pointed laser raylights through handheld devices directly into the eyes of Egyptian soccer players while they attempted to score their penalty kicks as well as directly pointing it towards the eyes of the Egyptian goal keeper El-Shennawy while attempting to guard his goal post (pictures attached) resulting in Mohamed Salah Egypt’s stricker missing his penalty kick and El-Shennawy failing to properly guard his post. These unlawful acts were witnessed by the games referees as well as by the local Sinigalese security forces but unfortunately they intentionally did nothing to stop it and almost encouraged it.
These acts were totally in contrast to the warm and welcoming attitude the Egyptian fans and security forces received the Sinigalese players at Cairo stadium few days earlier.
We formally request that the FIFA would review these evident violations and repeat this game at a neutral field giving a fair chance for both national teams to face off at a place clear of these unlawful terror acts displayed by fans
هذه ليست مباراة كرة قدم، هذه مباراة ارها ب.
This is not a football match, this is a terro rism match