The Arab Parliament emphasized that women’s political empowerment, which enhances the roles they can play in the political sphere, contributes significantly to consolidating the process of democratisation and achieving inclusive development, notably in light of women’s assumption of high-ranking positions reaching the presidency of governments in various countries across the world. The Arab Parliament added that strengthening Arab women’s political contributions is among the priorities of its work, stressing that there are honorable models of the growing role of Arab women in the political sphere demonstrating that women in Arab societies are capable of giving if they possess the co-factors in this area primarily qualification and equal opportunities.This came during the Arab Parliament’s speech at the 36th Session of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, in the Angolan capital Luanda, which is hosting the 147th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly and Related Meetings from 23 to 27 October 2023, in which the Forum of Women Parliamentarians discussed a major theme entitled: “Women in politics: To stay or not to stay”. In its intervention, the Arab Parliament underlined the importance of reviewing and updating the legislative system in the Arab States thereby contributing to the promotion of women’s participation in political life, and stressing the need to raise community awareness of the importance of women’s role in the political sphere, especially after they have already established their presence in this sphere through their participation in many political institutions and assumption of leadership positions in the executive organs in a large number of Arab States, and highlighting the necessity of addressing the masculine societal culture and ideas against women holding leadership offices, through several mechanisms including the development of educational curricula that enshrine the notion of citizenship and non-discrimination, and promote women’s political participation, and enhance the role of civil society organizations in supporting women’s political empowerment.